Welcome to Corporate Event News - A New Resource for Corporate Event Pros

Corporate Event News (www.CorporateEventNews.com) is a newly launched web site and enewsletter for corporate event professionals .
We hope you find Corporate Event News to be a valuable news source for corporate event planning, marketing, event technology, people and development, destinations and venues and overall industry news.
This new online hub for industry news, insights, and original content will focus on the information, education and tools for high level corporate meeting and event marketers.
Led by Rachel Wimberly, 7-year president and editor-in-chief for TSNN and newly appointed president of Tarsus Media, the free-access Corporate Event News site and free weekly e-newsletter will feature original content and industry news for a previously underserved market for corporate event professionals.
"We are delighted by the market’s strong endorsement of the launch of Corporate Event News, which fills a much-needed gap in the market," said Tarsus Group Managing Director Douglas Emslie.
He added, "We are also pleased to announce the launch of our new division, Tarsus Media, under the leadership of Rachel Wimberly as president. Tarsus Media is an exciting new venture which will in encompass TSNN, Corporate Event News and other new products we have in the pipeline.”
Liz Lathan, program director of IBM Analytics & Hybrid Cloud Marketing Events and a leading visionary in corporate events, looks to the new resource to bring needed attention to the roles of event planning and marketing; "As an industry, we need to elevate the perception of corporate event marketing - it is a strategic marketing vehicle and an integral part of the marketing profession. I'm excited about the launch of Corporate Event News, as it will deliver news and information that will help event professionals towards that goal."
This new resource stands apart from other media by focusing solely on the planning and growth needs of a corporate event marketer, giving them access to the latest news on cities, venues, services; trends and opportunities; a stocked library of interviews with planning peers; and best practices, case studies and how-to’s to help planners do their jobs with knowledge and confidence.
Danalynne Wheeler Menegus, writer and editor for the new publication, notes, “Corporate Event News will provide news, tools, and information designed to help corporate event professionals become more effective, more strategic, and gain more visibility within their organizations.”
Event professionals can access Corporate Event News for free online, through active social media channels and subscribe to weekly updates through the free e-newsletter.
Corporate Event News was designed by U.K.-based web site design firm ASP and programmed by U.S.-based development company Fantail Consulting & Technologies.
Opportunities are available for advertising and partner channels; companies interested should contact Valerie Oben, Sales and Business Development, voben@corporateeventnews.com or visit HERE.
If you are a corporate event professional or supplier to the corporate event sector, please send us your news to Danalynne Wheeler Menegus – dwmenegus@corporateeventnews.com
Follow us on social media and the Corporate Event News updated daily at www.CorporateEventNews.com.

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