5 Unconventional Ways to Personalize Virtual Event Experiences

June 14, 2021

Previously, personalization meant just addressing customers by their first names (We all have written those emails with Hi {First Name}, :) haven’t we?). Cut to today, times have changed. So has consumer sentiment. Now personalization requires marketers and event professionals to be prepared with as much context on customers’ experiences as possible. 

The rapid adoption of Virtual Events has opened the door to new ways of understanding the context and preferences of audiences. Here are 5 lesser-known ways in which you can personalize your next virtual event experience.


Personalize your Brand on the Platform

If you’ve been to any event sponsored by Coca Cola, 2 things will stand out for you - their signature color red and their iconic logo. Branded markers trigger certain emotions in people and help develop top-of-mind recall.

 You can extend this approach to your next virtual event by picking a platform that lets you customize your brand colors, logos, and font. Create a space that is a distinct reflection of your brand.


Personalize Virtual Booths

You can give exhibitors at virtual events their money’s worth by enabling them to create personalized experiences. Using logos, product videos & images, and custom CTAs are ways they can customize their booths using the virtual event platform.

 Differentiated virtual booths help exhibitors attract relevant audiences through branded experiences.


Personalize Notifications

Every individual participating in an event has an agenda - be it an attendee, sponsor, exhibitor, or speaker. Making notifications relevant to each attendee group ensures a smooth experience so that objectives are met.

 For example, notifying an attendee 10 minutes before a session can help increase attendance rates!


Personalize Content

Relevant content is another great way to personalize an attendee’s experience. Imagine you’re a university planning an event for your students and you’re expecting students from various fields to attend.

By planning specialized sessions for individual student groups you can provide them with a personalized experience to help them feel that they belong.


Personalize Calendars

Every virtual event is curated to meet the needs of multiple user groups and has multiple sessions running simultaneously.

Every attendee may not need to know everything that’s going. The personalization secret here is to declutter the attendee calendar. Show them a personalized schedule that helps them focus on what they’ve signed up for. Clean and simple.

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Want to personalize your virtual events? Sign up for a demo and experience personalization firsthand with Hubilo’s hybrid event platform.

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