August 15, 2021

Gamification is like events on steroids. It gives attendees a sense of achievement, triggers strong emotions of happiness and excitement, and gives your event the much-needed engagement muscle.

Want your virtual events and conferences to feel more like fun and less like work? Here are 5 gamification examples to ease your attendees into an immersive experience.

  • Have an engagement leaderboard: Leaderboards at virtual events are a reflection of attendee engagement with the platform, event, and other attendees. Introducing such a leaderboard to your virtual event is a great way of promoting meaningful conversations and ensuring attendees remain actively engaged across the span of the event.
  • Organize networking games: Games are a perfect way to break the ice and facilitate networking at your virtual event. It would be best to have these games during networking breaks or at the beginning of your event. This helps drive more engagement and kills the monotonous “webinar” vibe. While the sky is your limit, some games to try are Bingo, Atlas, and Name the character.
  • Encourage participation in chat and Q&A: In virtual events, attendees try to look for opportunities to interact with speakers and panelists. Incentivize this need for interaction by encouraging active participation. Keep asking attendees questions, they can respond to in the chat window. Keep reminding them of the option to post their questions for the speaker in the Q&A section.
  • Reward social media mentions: Creating a buzz on social media requires significant time and resources. Gamifying this task can help you amplify the volume of conversation and mentions about your event on social media. Take this up a notch by doubling the attendee reward points for every five social media mentions on one platform.
  • Gamify virtual booth participation: Virtual booths are those sections of the event where attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and organizers can interact with each other. Rewarding attendees with bonus points for virtual booth participation can amplify the virtual event experience by many folds.

Gamify the event in a way that motivates attendees to engage, interact, and enjoy the event. When attendees leave the event feeling happy and satisfied they are more likely to become your biggest cheerleader and help you realize your larger goals.

Want to explore all the interactive features from Hubilo’s Engagement Cloud? Book a 1-1 demo of the platform

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